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Worn and Battered...
It looked great... for a while. Now my plant was worn and battered.
Movement Toward or Away?
The event happens. It is good... or hard. And emotions stir. We think, evaluate, consider, judge, and make choices. Often we fill in the...
Conflict, discord, clash, dispute, disagreement... aargh! So uncomfortable, awkward... and even painful. Whether the tension exists...
Tenacious Hope
Crunch. Immediate tears. No coherent thoughts… just sobs of overwhelming emotion as the stress, fear, grief, and even hope, collided with...
Holding on to Hope
This weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving. We intentionally paused to name our gratitude. This year many of us will offer our thankfulness...
Feeling Stuck?
A few days ago Stormi, our kitten, was romping around our room: exploring under the bed, messing with a pile of clean laundry, climbing...
Storms Come
We all encounter storms in the course of a lifetime. Here is an excerpt from Encounter, a creative writing rooted in a story found in...
Stressed Vines
How are you these days? A friend posted a question on Facebook a couple days ago: How many of you have ugly cried in the last four weeks?...
Treasures in the Darkness
Today we continue to move through a global crisis of pandemic that remains local as well. Hard questions have surfaced regarding...
Creativity and Courage Emerge
As we experience the tension of hope and creativity against the sadness and grief of suffering we feel the weightiness these days. We...
A Sacred Delay: Friends Trusted with Suffering
We are in the season of Lent. Have you seen the post on Facebook with that dry humor addressing the realities of social distancing...
Navigating Uncertainty...
There are times when uncertainty seems to increase exponentially and our ability to maintain control diminishes. We sense the path before...
A Bigger Story...
Afraid, uncertain, hurt and angry? What does one think -Â let alone do? Joseph faced an unanticipated crisis. Mary, his betrothed, was...
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