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The Gardener and the Garden
A writing about Jesus as the Gardener of our soul.
Identity of a Sheep
Pursued and Tended by the Shepherd It was about a year ago that I took the picture of this lamb. The framed photo sits on my desk in my...
Worn and Battered...
It looked great... for a while. Now my plant was worn and battered.
Movement Toward or Away?
The event happens. It is good... or hard. And emotions stir. We think, evaluate, consider, judge, and make choices. Often we fill in the...
Paying Attention to Your Dashboard
I looked at my gas gauge as I pulled into our driveway for the third time that day, and I realized I was down to a quarter tank of gas. I...
An Undivided Heart
What do you think of when you consider the phrase "an undivided heart?" We live in a world where we see and experience great beauty,...
Glimpse of Glory
My daughter, Michaella, and I enjoy the super hero movies: Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Captain America, and more. There is something...
Praying the Masquerade
Recently the question was asked of someone close to me "Do you feel you have to wear a mask?" The question had nothing to do with the...
Fierce Trust
The master craftsman prepares the clay. Pounded and pressed. Kneaded and pounded. The lump of unformed clay is placed on the wheel and...
Stressed Vines
How are you these days? A friend posted a question on Facebook a couple days ago: How many of you have ugly cried in the last four weeks?...
Treasures in the Darkness
Today we continue to move through a global crisis of pandemic that remains local as well. Hard questions have surfaced regarding...
Fierce Adoration
As a classic introvert I never wanted to speak up front as a child or a teen. As a mom I am rather fascinated by my girls willingness to...
What is in your Toolbox?
A project to build, a piece of furniture to refinish, a broken cabinet to fix...what tools do I need to accomplish the task? The tasks...
Spiritual Practices for 2020
It is nearly the New Year. My heart and body have felt the fullness of the last month: the longing of Advent, the chaos of culture, the...
A Bigger Story...
Afraid, uncertain, hurt and angry? What does one think -Â let alone do? Joseph faced an unanticipated crisis. Mary, his betrothed, was...
He Handed Me the Brush
I few years ago I tackled a new project. I wanted to create a drawing in leather. Leather craft involves cutting a design into leather,...
Praying the Tangle
Life is good and beautiful—it is also complex and hard. God's grace and love is present daily, and I am deeply grateful. I experience my...
Tending Needed...
I bought a plant. Now that might be a predictable purchase for some, like my mom. Plants thrive under her care. But no one in my...
Early this summer we embarked on a renovation of our garage to create a designated space for me to offer spiritual direction in our home....
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